In ultrashort TE (UTE) imaging, the short T2 values of the tissues of
interest are comparable to the k-space readout duration, which result in
significant T2 decay during k-space readout. This decay consequently causes
significant effects on signal and contrast in UTE sequences, which we evaluate
in this paper using models that incorporate the gradient slew rate
slew and maximal constant gradient strength
gmax, in conjunction with objects of diameter
L. The resulting signal and contrast relationships
demonstrate steep signal changes between T2 values of
~50–500µs, corresponding to high T2 weighted contrast in
this range. When
> 1/(2L), termed the “ramp only”
regime, gmax has no significant effect whereas decreasing
slew leads to decreases in signal amplitude and shifts the
contrast peak to higher T2 values. When
< 1/(2L), termed the “mixed gradient”
regime, both gmax and slew have significant
effects, where decreases in either gmax or
slew lead to lower signal amplitudes and shifts the
contrast peak to higher T2 values. Under typical scan settings, the
“ramp only” regime is usually dominant. Further, we demonstrate
an unusual dependence of T2 weighted signal and contrast on object size, whereby
objects with smaller values of L demonstrate lower signal
amplitudes and peak contrast at higher T2 values, compared to otherwise
identical objects with larger L. These results improve
understanding of T2 weighted signal and contrast properties in short T2 tissue
imaging with UTE.