The flash-photolysis resonance-fluorescence method has been employed at 293-297 K to measure rate constants for the reactions of OH with SiH 4 , Si(CH 3 )H 3 , Si(CH 3 ) 2 H 2 , Si(CH 3 ) 3 H, and Si(CH 3 ) 4 of (1.2 AE 0.2) Â 10 À11 , (3.3 AE 0.4) Â 10 À11 , (4.4 AE 0.5) Â 10 À11 , (3.1 AE 0.4) Â 10 À11 , and (1.2 AE 0.2) Â 10 À12 molecule À1 cm 3 s À1 , respectively. The uncertainties are 95% confidence intervals (see text). The results reveal that the per Si-H bond reactivity towards OH increases with the degree of methylation, and that Si(CH 3 ) 2 H 2 is the most reactive member of the series.