Abstract-A single layer, single feed microstrip antenna with multifrequency operation in compact size is proposed. A modified inverted π-shaped slot is introduced at the left side radiating edge of the patch to reduce the size of the antenna by reducing the resonant frequency. Multiple resonant frequencies with increased frequency ratio are also obtained by cutting the modified inverted π-shaped slot. The measured result shows that the proposed antenna resonates at 3.3, 4.55, 5.56 and 6.08 GHz in microwave S and C band. The size of the proposed patch is only 0.176λ L × 0.132λ L at its lower operating frequency. The proposed patch antenna has achieved 68% size reduction as compared with the conventional rectangular microstrip antenna with same patch area. An extensive analysis of the reflection coefficient, voltage standing wave ratio, gain, radiation efficiency and radiation pattern of the proposed antenna is presented in this paper. The proposed antenna is suitable for WiMax and HiPERLAN wireless systems.