Starting from a hydrodynamic model to describe the positive column of a glow discharge in oxygen, we investigate the stability of the homogeneous state. Near the critical points of the instability curve the wave dynamics are approximated by an amplitude equation of the GINZBURG-LANDAU type with complex coefficients and an additional integral term. The nonlocal coupling term describes the influence of the external circuit on the plasma properties. The complex coefficients are calculated for selected values of the plasma parameters. For sufficiently large values of the external resistor a subcritical HOPF-bifurcation is found. This is in agreement with the observation that in oxygen discharges a strong hysteresis occurs at the transition from the H-mode to the T-mode. Moreover, a numerical approach is used to study the hysteresis as a transition phenomenon.
1I ntroductionDue to the importance of glowdischarge processes in various technological applications, there is an increasing effort to understand and model such plasmas [1]. This is ar ather challenging task since plasmas of molecular gases are dissipative systems farfrom thermodynamic equilibrium, where alot of nonlinear kinetic processes take place. Typical examples are reaction processes likeelectron attachment and ionization, which depend on the mean electron energy.T he nonlinearity givesr ise to manyi nteresting phenomena likep attern formation outside the equilibrium, butitisalso asource of profound mathematical difficulties. Moreover, the description of the plasma becomese venm ore complexi nt he case of electronegative gases. The presence of twos pecies of negativelycharged particles introduces additional reaction channels, i.e. beyond ionization one also has to accountf or attachment, detachment and recombination. In the vicinity of the wall there are differences to electropositive plasmas, because the heavy negative ions should be much more confined to the central region of the discharge than the electrons [2]. The homogeneous and stationary axial state of electronegative plasmas has been studied in aseries of numerical and analytical investigations, for example in Refs. [3][4][5][6][7]. In particular Ref. [7] contains as tudy of dynamical effects, which can be compared to theoretical results presented in this paper.B ut little is known about the theoretical description of nonlinear dynamical states in such plasmas. On the other hand, there is al ot of experimental data for instabilities, oscillations and wavesi nd c-discharges, as well as in rf-plasmas [8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. The onset of such waves, i.e. the primary instability,can be described by means of linear methods, likein the case of the SF 6 discharge discussed in Ref. [16] or in the case of oxygen givenin [17]. Nonlinear properties, which are responsible for the observable dynamical effects, may be (partially) obtained from alocal bifurcation theory.The HOPF bifurcation is such ageneric mathematical model to describe the phenomenon where areal system depending on ac ontrol parameter mo...