Numerical simulations of the near wake of generic rocket con¦gurations are performed at transonic and supersonic freestream conditions to improve the understanding of the highly intricate near wake structures. The Reynolds number in both §ow regimes is 10 6 based on the main body diameter, i. e., speci¦c freestream conditions of ESA£s Ariane launcher trajectory. The geometry matches models used in experiments in the framework of the German Transregional Collaborative Research Center TRR40. Both axisymmetric wind tunnel models possess cylindrical sting supports, representing a nozzle to allow investigations of a less disturbed wake §ow. A zonal approach consisting of a Reynolds averaged NavierStokes (RANS) and a large-eddy simulation (LES) is applied. It is shown that the highly unsteady transonic wake §ow at Ma ∞ = 0.7 is characterized by the expanding separated shear layer, while the Mach 6.0 wake is de¦ned by a shock, expansion waves, and a recompression region. In both cases, an instantaneous view on the base characteristics reveals complex azimuthal §ow structures even for axisymmetric geometries. The §ow regimes are discussed by comparing the aerodynamic characteristics, such as the size of the recirculation region and the turbulent kinetic energy.