This article deals with the influence of yawed inflow conditions on the performance of a single generic 2.4 MW wind turbine. It presents the results of studies performed at the Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics by means of computational fluid dynamics, using a fully meshed wind turbine with all boundary layers being resolved. The block-structured flow solver FLOWer is used; a dual-time stepping method for temporal discretization and a second-order Jameson-Schmidt-Turkel method for the calculation of the convective fluxes are applied. All simulations are carried out using a detached eddy simulation approach. In detail, two different wind speeds and a yaw angle range between 50 ı and C50 ı are evaluated in the paper. Based on these data, it is shown that the reduction of power output follows a cosine to the power of X function of the yaw angle. Furthermore, the growing azimuthal non-uniformity of the load distributions with increasing yaw angle magnitude is analysed by spanwise load distributions. As a central influence on the load distributions, the advancing and retreating blade effect is identified. Moreover, the deflection of the wake as a result of the inflow is investigated, and the deflection angles are compared with a modelling approach. A connection line between wake deflection and load asymmetry is drawn. The results are of particular importance for wind park situations with downstream turbines facing the distorted inflow created from upstream ones.
253CFD study on the impact of yawed inflow on a generic wind turbine C. Schulz et al.dynamics solvers using, among others, actuator disc approaches. Several years later, the measurements performed within the Model Experiment in Controlled Conditions (MEXICO) project enlarged the yaw database. 6 This time, a three-bladed model wind turbine was investigated, collecting data of the near wake as well as blade loads and pressure distributions. 6 Within several follow-up projects, the data have been analysed and recent publications 8,9,14 showed reasonable agreement between measurements and simulations. In detail, the simulated wake deflection was investigated and the distortion of the wake was discussed. Even though a great success, none of the measurements were able to describe all effects occurring from yaw misalignment. The reduction of power and mean loads of the turbine, the changing angle of attack over one revolution, the varying induction, the wake distortion and how the different effects correlate with each other. The NASA-Ames measurements cover a wide operational range but provide only little information about the rotor wake. MEXICO and its wide range of particle image velocimetry data provide more information about the near-wake flow field, but lacks the wide range of yaw angles and faces some limitations in turbine set-up as the rotor is not tilted and the tower far downstream the rotor compared with a full-scale turbine. 6,7 Looking at the costs, it is hardly feasible to collect all data needed to investigate most of the yaw effects and cover...