“…The presence of pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) between
loci was tested by the exact test using a Markov chain for male, and by likelihood
ratio test using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm for female samples. Pair-wise
genetic distances (F ST ) were calculated for inter-population comparison of
haplotype frequencies between northern Croatia and Italian (Bini et al ., 2015), western Mediterranean (Ferragut et al ., 2015), Czech
(Zidkova et al ., 2014),
German (Edelmann et al .,
2012), Hungarian (Horvath et
al ., 2012), Swedish (Tillmar,
2012), Danish, Somalian, Greenlandic (Tomas
et al ., 2012), Chinese and Japanese populations (Uchigasaki et al ., 2013). Comparison with a population of Central Croatia was based on allele frequencies of
DXS10135, DXS8378, DXS7132, DXS10074, HPRTB, DXS10101, DXS10134 and DXS7423 loci
(Grskovic et al ., 2013),
while comparison with Bosnian-Herzegovinian population was based on DXS8378, DXS7132,
HPRTB, and DXS7423 loci (Diegoli et
al ., 2011).…”