Biomethane can readily replace fossil fuels including natural gas, which has similar physical and chemical properties. In Brazil, municipal solid waste is predominantly disposed of in landfills. Landfill gas is mostly employed for electricity generation, but still at low levels when compared to the existing potential. Production of biomethane from landfill gas may be an alternative to exploit the existing potential, but Brazil’s pipeline network is rather limited and concentrated along the country’s coast. In this context, the research sought to identify the locational viability of using landfill gas to produce biomethane and injecting it into pipelines, considering the available potential and its proximity to Brazil’s existing pipeline network. The QGis software was used to integrate the information. Territorial arrangements with a biomethane production capacity of more than 15,000 Nm3 day−1 and located up to 50 km from the pipeline network were considered feasible. The research estimated a potential production equivalent to 3,407,027 Nm3 day−1 of biomethane from landfills in Brazil. This potential corresponds to 6% of country’s natural gas consumption in 2019 and is almost 32 times greater than current production of biomethane from all substrates used with this purpose in that year. The results indicate the suitability of using geographic information systems to identify regions that can benefit from the production of biomethane from landfill gas using the existing natural gas pipelines as an alternative to the electricity generation and provides relevant subsidies to the formulation of more efficient public policies in both the sanitation and energy sectors.