Abstract. Interactions between a finite number of bodies and the surrounding fluid, in a channel for instance, are investigated theoretically. In the planar model here the bodies or modelled grains are thin solid bodies free to move in a nearly parallel formation within a quasi-inviscid fluid. The investigation involves numerical and analytical studies and comparisons. The three main features that appear are a linear instability about a state of uniform motion, a clashing of the bodies (or of a body with a side wall) within a finite scaled time when nonlinear interaction takes effect, and a continuum-limit description of the body-fluid interaction holding for the case of many bodies. §1. Introduction. The study of interactions between moving solid bodies and the surrounding fluid has many natural, industrial and biomedical applications. These and background motivations are considered in §1.1. Previous studies are discussed in §1.2, and §1.3 focuses on the present work.1.1. Applications and motivation. A great many applications arise across nature such as with falling leaves and moving seeds and coffee grains (e.g. [4, 7, 27, 52]), not to forget the motion of frozen ice particles and hailstones as well as sedimentation and fluidization phenomena. Applications also arise in sporting contexts such as running and cycling groups and to some extent in longdistance swimming competitions. The behaviours of various swarms similarly have an interactive fluid-dynamical element to them, while a communication to the authors has pointed out the collisions of ships due to rushing water and suction between them, as occurred for example during the UK-Iceland cod war and the similar danger of suction for barges in the Suez Canal.Three industrial applications are concerned with the falling of lumps of ice into an engine intake in an aerodynamic safety context, the travel of windblown particles of ice along a wing surface again in the aerodynamic safety context, and the falling of rice grains down a chute in a food-sorting context. In addition various disintegration, deposition, oil-well and sequestration modelling applications exist for interactions between solid bodies and fluids.There are also many biomedical applications in principle, for example to travel of solids within vessels of major networks in the human body. Specific applications are to transport of blood clots, embolization procedures in stroke