Let R be a ring with char(R) = 2 whose unit group are denoted by U(R), G a group, and RG its group ring. Let * be an involution in G, σ : G → U(R) be a nontrivial group homomorphism, with ker σ = N , satisfying xx * ∈ N for all x ∈ G, and define the generalized oriented involution σ * in RG by x∈G αxx σ * = x∈G σ(x)αxx * . An element α ∈ RG is called skew-symmetric if α σ * = −α, and the set of all skew-symmetric elements are denoted by (RG) − . In this paper, we will classify the group rings RG such that (RG) − is anticommutative, generalizing, and obtaining as consequence,the main result of [GP13a].