Descriptions of organosulfurs altering biologically relevant cellular functions began some 40 years ago when murine
in vitro cell mediated and humoral immune responses were shown to be dramatically enhanced by any of four
xenobiotic, sulfhydryl compounds—2-mercaptoethanol (2ME), dithiothreitol (DTT), glutathione, and L-cysteine; the most
effective were 2ME and DTT. These findings triggered a plethora of reports defining 2ME benefits for a multitude of
immunological processes. This in turn led to investigations on 2ME alterations of (a) immune functions in other species, (b)
activities of other cell-types, and (c) in vivo diseases. In addition, these early findings preceded the
identification of previously undefined anticarcinogenic chemicals in specific foods as organosulfurs. Taken all together,
there is little doubt that organosulfur compounds have enormous benefits for cellular functions and for a multitude of
diseases. Issues of importance still to be resolved are (a) clarification of mechanisms that underlie alteration of
in vitro and in vivo processes and perhaps more importantly, (b) which if any in
vitro alterations are relevant for (i) alteration of in vivo diseases and (ii) identification of
other diseases that might therapeutically benefit from organosulfurs. As one means to address these questions, reviews of
different processes impacted by thiols could be informative. Therefore, the present review on alterations of in
vitro fertilization processes by thiols (mainly 2ME, since cysteamine alterations have been reviewed) was
undertaken. Alterations found to occur in medium supplemented with 2ME were enhancement, no effect, or inhibition. Parameters
associated with which are discussed as they relate to postulated thiol mechanisms.