Objective-The aim of this study was to examine the endothelial distribution and activity of selected PKC isoforms in coronary vessels with respect to their functional impact on endothelial permeability under the experimental conditions relevant to diabetes. Methods and Results-En face immunohistochemistry demonstrated a significant increase of PKC ⌱⌱ and decrease of PKC␦ expression in coronary arterial endothelium of Zucker diabetic rats. To test whether changes in PKC expression alter endothelial barrier properties, we measured the transcellular electric resistance in human coronary microvascular endothelial monolayers and found that either PKC ⌱⌱ overexpression or PKC␦ inhibition disrupted the cell-cell adhesive barrier. Three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy revealed that hyperpermeability was caused by altered PKC activity in association with distinct translocation of PKC ⌱⌱ to the cell-cell junction and PKC␦ localization to the cytosol. Further analyses in fractionated endothelial lysates confirmed the differential redistribution of these isozymes. Additionally, FRET analysis of PKC subcellular dynamics demonstrated a high PKC ⌱⌱ activity at the cell surface and junction, whereas PKC␦ activity is concentrated in intracellular membrane organelles. Conclusion-Taken together, these data suggest that PKC ⌱⌱ and PKC␦ counter-regulate coronary endothelial barrier properties by targeting distinctive subcellular sites. Imbalanced PKC ⌱⌱ /PKC␦ expression and activity may contribute to endothelial hyperpermeability and coronary dysfunction in diabetes. (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.
2008;28:1527-1533)Key Words: diabetes Ⅲ inflammation Ⅲ permeability Ⅲ protein kinase Ⅲ FRET P rotein kinase C (PKC) is a family of serine/threonine kinases consisting of at least 10 isoforms, including the classical PKCs (␣, I, II, and ␥), which bind to and are activated by diacylglycerol and Ca 2ϩ , the novel isoforms (␦, , , and ) capable of binding to diacylglycerol but independent of Ca 2ϩ , and the atypical class ( and ) insensitive to either diacylglycerol or Ca 2ϩ . Most of these isozymes are regulated at 3 levels. First, autophosphorylation is required for them to become catalytically competent. Second, binding to cofactors, such as diacylglycerol or its mimetic phorbol esters, induces translocation from the cytosol to plasma membrane, where the enzymes undergo conformational changes enabling catalytic activation. Finally, direct interaction with substrate proteins determines site-specific kinase activities. 1 As endogenous stress sensors, PKCs mediate diverse cellular responses to physical forces, chemical agents, and molecular signals that are elaborated under different physiological or pathological conditions. Altered expression or enzymatic activity of PKCs have been linked to circulatory disturbance in coronary artery disease, arthrosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial ischemia reperfusion, and circulatory shock. Recently, evidence is emerging that PKCs contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic vascular inflammati...