Sequence alignments and SISCAN analyses inferred multiple interspecies recombination events within RNA2 of strains GHu of Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) and Ta of Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), two closely related subgroup A nepoviruses in the family Comoviridae. Interspecies recombination events were identified in the 5 0 untranslated region, the putative homing protein and movement protein genes but not in the coat protein gene and 3 0 untranslated region. These findings suggest a dynamic relationship between GFLV and ArMV, and a differential selection pressure on RNA2-encoded proteins with constraints in terms of function and co-adaptation that limit interspecies recombination to certain gene segments. RNA recombination is a natural mechanism involved in genetic variation and evolution of plant virus populations [7,15,30]. It commonly occurs when the replicase complex switches template after encountering secondary RNA structures like hairpins and/or stretches of substantial similarity between donor and acceptor RNA strands during virus replication [18,22,23,27,31]. Intraspecies recombination has been documented for various GFLV strains with crossover sites distributed all along the open reading frame of RNA2 [19,25,26]. No information is available on interspecies recombination between GFLV and other viruses, in particular ArMV [16], albeit protein 2A HP of ArMV strain NW has higher amino acid similarity with GFLV than with other ArMV strains [28]. In this study, we determined the sequence of RNA2 of GFLV strain GHu (GFLV-GHu) and ArMV strain Ta (ArMV-Ta), and identified interspecies recombination events in the 5 0 UTR, genes 2A
Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) andHP and 2B MP but not in gene 2C CP and the 3 0 UTR. Our findings suggest a dynamic relationship between GFLV and ArMV, and a distinct evolutionary diversification of their RNA2-encoded proteins. GFLV-GHu [9] and ArMV-Ta [13] were isolated from Vitis vinifera cvs. Gloriae Hungariae and Tannat, respectively. Their RNA2 was characterized from infected grapevine leaves by reverse transcription-polymerase chain