Women account for over half of the global population, however continue to be subject to systematic and systemic disadvantage, particularly in terms of access to health and education. At every intersection, where systemic inequality accounts for greater loss of life or limitations on full and healthy living, women are more greatly impacted by those inequalities. The design of technologies is no different, the very definition of technology is historically cast in terms of male activities, and advancements in the field are critical to improve women's quality of life. This paper views HCI, a relatively new field, as well positioned to act critically in the ways that technology serve, refigure and redefine women's bodies. Indeed, the female body remains a contested topic, a restriction to the development of women's health. Women's health-as a medicalized field exists, and people's experiences of it are problematic for many. This is visible today in e.g. socio-cultural practices in disparate geographies or medical devices within a clinic. Moreover, the biological body is part of a great unmentionable, i.e. the perils of essentialism. We contend that it is necessary, pragmatically and ethically, for HCI to turn its attention towards a woman-centered design approach. While previous research has argued for the dangers of gender-demarcated design work, we advance that designing for and with women should not be regarded as ghettoizing, but instead as critical to improving women's experiences in bodily transactions, choices, rights, and access to and in health and care. In this paper, we consider how and why designing with and for Woman matters, and use our design-led research as a way to speak to, and illustrate alternatives to this field. CCS CONCEPT insertion: The new template enables you to import required indexing concepts for your article from the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) using an indexing support tool found in the ACM Digital Library (DL). The tool generates formatted text after you have selected your terms. To insert your CCS terms into your document, copy and paste the formatted text from the CCS tool using the "https://dl.acm.org/ccs/ccs.cfm" link into the "CCS CONCEPTS" section.