Big data ecosystems contain a mix of sophisticated hardware storage components to support heterogeneous workloads. Storage components and the workloads interact and affect
each other; therefore, their relationship has to consider when modeling workloads or managing storage. Efficient workload modeling guides optimal storage management decisions,
and the right decisions help guarantee the workload’s needs. The first part of this thesis
focuses on workload modeling efficiency, and the second part focuses on cost-effective
storage management.<div>Workload performance modeling is an essential step in management decisions. The
standard modeling approach constructs the model based on a historical dataset collected
from one set of setups (scenario). The standard modeling approach requires the model to
be reconstructed from scratch with every time the setups changes. To address this issue,
we propose a cross-scenario modeling approach that improves the workload’s performance
classification accuracy by up to 78% through adopting the Transfer Learning (TL).<br></div><div>The storage system is the most crucial component of the big data ecosystem, where the
workload’s execution process starts by fetching data from it and ends by storing data into
it. Thus, the workload’s performance is directly affected by storage capability. To provide
a high I/O performance in the ecosystems, Solid State Drive (SSD) are utilized as a tier or as a cache on big data distributed ecosystems. SSDs have a short lifespan that is affected
by data size and the number of writing operations. Balancing performance requirements
and SSD’s lifespan consumption is never easy, and it’s even harder when interacting with
a huge amount of data and with heterogeneous I/O patterns. In this thesis, we analysis
big data workloads I/O pattern impacts on SSD’s lifespan when SSD is used as a tier or as
a cache. Then, we design a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based I/O pattern controller
that manages workload placement and guarantees cost-effective storage that enhances the
workload performance by up to 60%, and improves SSD’s lifespan by up to 40%. </div><div>The designed transfer learning modeling approach and the storage management solutions improve workload modeling accuracy, and the quality of the storage management
policies while the testing setup changes.<br></div>