In recent years, the rapid preparation of transistor devices and the control of manufacturing costs have been the focus of researchers. Conventional transistor semiconductor films are usually applied by spin coating or magnetron sputtering. However, the spin coating method tends to cause material waste. Based on this, a method of screen printing semiconductor layers is proposed. In this paper, P3HT ink was obtained by dissolving a mixture of P3HT and ethyl cellulose in a toluene solution. The screen printing technique was used to successfully obtain the semiconductor layer, which in turn successfully printed the transistor array. The dielectric layer is the screen-printed ionic gel and the electrode is vaporized gold electrode, resulting in a 100% success rate of transistors. The operating performance of the device is more stable than that of the spin-coating method, and the switching ratio of the obtained device is stable above 104 when the gate voltage is -3–3 V, -4–4 V, and -5–5 V, respectively. This approach offers a new way of thinking about flexible printed electronics.