A simple gradient apparatus, consisting of a perlstaltic pump in addltlon to a standard hlgh-pressure pump, Is descrlbed. The device is used to make a slngle-run ion chromatographic separation of sulfite, sulfate, and thiosulfate In less than 15 min. This separatlon requlred a step gradlent with 4.8 mM NaHC0,/4.7 mM Na,CO, as start eluent and 6.9 mM NaH-COJ8.6 mM Na,CO, as final eluent when two (4 X 50) mm Dionex anion precolumns In serles were used as separator. The eluent compositions were slmplex optlmlzed.Ion chromatography (IC) (1) has been shown to be a suitable analytical technique for determination of sulfur anions such as sulfite, sulfate, and thiosulfate. One of the major problems concerned with these analyses is that the retention time for thiosulfate is unacceptably long when determined under the same ion chromatography (IC) conditions as for sulfite/sulfate. Holcombe et al.(2) have reported IC determinations of these sulfoxy ions, but two separate IC runs with different eluents for sulfite/sulfate and thiosulfate, respectively, were required. Trujillo et al. (3) reported on the use of a very short column with high eluent flow rate to elute thiosulfate in about 4 min. However, this short retention time for Sz032-caused the other anions present, such as F-, C1-, NO;, NO3-, PO?-, and Sod2-to elute as a single peak. As a consequence, two separate IC runs are required for the sulfite, sulfate, and thiosulfate analyses. Gjerde et al. (4, 5 ) have shown chromatograms with thiosulfate and sulfate well separated, with a retention time for thiosulfate of about 12 min. However, their tabulated retention times for sulfite and sulfate indicate poor separation of these ions.The purpose of this paper was to investigate the possibility of separating sulfite, sulfate, and thiosulfate in an acceptable time in a single IC run.
EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Instrumentation.A diagram of the complete ion chromatograph is presented in Figure 1. The system consisted of the following parts: (1) a Constametric I11 Pump (Laboratory Data Control) which delivers the eluent at a constant flow rate through the sample loop, the analytical column, the suppressor column and the conductivity cell; (2) a stepper motor driven peristaltic pump P-1 (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals) used to generate gradients in eluent strength, the pump speed was controlled by a homemade variable frequency sweep generator (F.S.G.); (3) a sample injection valve (Rheodyne 70-10) with 50-, loo-, or 200-pL sample loops;(4) two plastic (4 X 50) mm anion precolumns (Dionex Corp., catalog no. 030825) were coupled in series to serve both as precolumn and analytical column; (5) a laboratory made (5.7 X 300) mm glass column packed with Amberlite AG, 100-200 mesh (Serva AG), in the hydrogen form serves as suppressor column, the suppressor was regenerated with 0.5 M H2S04; (6) a Conducto Cell with Conducto Monitor (LDC) to serve as the detector; (7) a Vitatron two-channel recorder to trace the chromatograms.Chemicals. All solutions were prepared in doubly deionized water using reage...