Efficient approaches aimed at restricting Cuscuta campestris distribution can be based on the control of seed germination. Thus, data on effects of environmental factors, seed age, seed longevity and viability, and hosts on C. campestris seed germination and emergence would provide valuable information in that context. Seeds of 26 populations of C. campestris were collected from different locations in Serbia during the field season August–October between 2005 and 2019. Seeds were collected in three major agronomic regions in Serbia: Banat (13 populations), Srem (11 populations), and Macva (2 populations). The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of different temperatures and light on seed germination and seedling growth of populations of C. campestris, determine possible correlations between seed age or hosts and total germination and seedling growth, and survey the morphological diversity and genetic variability of seeds of this parasitic plant. Large variability of germination patterns was observed within each agronomic region, and the high variance of seed germination patterns within regions reflects the ability of C. campestris to adapt to local agricultural management practices. For practical purposes, populations that start and complete their emergence earlier are considered harder to control. Thus, farmers should implement effective mechanical and chemical management measures for early-germinating populations.