Few terrestrial localities preserve more than a trace lithic record prior to ca. 3.8 Ga greatly limiting our understanding of the first 700 Ma of Earth history, a period inferred to have included a spike in the bolide flux to the inner solar system at ca. 3.85-3.95 Ga (the Late Heavy Bombardment, LHB). An accessible record of this era may be found in Hadean detrital zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia, in the form of μm-scale epitaxial overgrowths. By comparing crystallization temperatures of pre-3.8 Ga zircon overgrowths to the archive of zircon temperature spectra, it should, in principle, be possible to identify a distinctive impact signature. We have developed Ti-U-Th-Pb ion microprobe depth profiling to obtain age and temperature information within these zircon overgrowths and undertaken a feasibility study of its possible use in identifying impact events. Of eight grains profiled in this fashion, four have overgrowths of LHB-era age. Age vs. temperature profiles reveal a period between ca. 3.85-3.95 Ga (i.e., LHB era) characterized by significantly higher temperatures (approximately 840-875°C) than do older or younger zircons or zircon domains (approximately 630-750°C). However, temperatures approaching 900°C can result in Pb isotopic exchange rendering interpretation of these profiles nonunique. Coupled age-temperature depth profiling shows promise in this role, and the preliminary data we report could represent the first terrestrial evidence for impactrelated heating during the LHB.early Earth | impact crater | lunar cataclysm | secondary ion mass spectrometry T he LHB is the period from ca. 3.85-3.95 Ga during which an intense flux of asteroidal and/or cometary bodies is hypothesized to have impacted the Moon (1). A variety of theories have been proposed to explain the LHB (2-5) culminating with the "Nice model" (5-7). This model posits that a fundamental shift in orbital resonance among the Jovian planets at ca. 3.9 Ga destabilized the disk of planetesimals in the outer solar system resulting in the scattering of numerous bodies into the inner solar system. Tera et al. (1) introduced the concept of a late lunar cataclysm to explain isotopic fractionations in rocks returned from the heavily cratered lunar highlands. Specifically, U-Pb, and Rb-Sr isochrons yielded recrystallization ages between 3.85-3.95 Ga. The parent/daughter behavior in these two geochronologic systems are quite different but result in similar system disturbances (i.e., U and Sr are highly refractory whereas Pb and Rb are variably volatile). Thus, a profound thermal event, such as from an impact at the appropriate scale of a "cataclysm," could have caused resetting of both chronometers, albeit for different reasons. Much of the evidence in support of the LHB hypothesis comes from 40 Ar∕ 39 Ar age spectra of lunar highland crust samples (3,8,9), interpreted to yield apparent "plateau" ages between 3.8-4.0 Ga due to the resetting of the K-Ar system via collisional heating (see review in 10).