Small unilamellar vesicles containing purified and reconstituted nicotinic acetylcholine receptors from Torpedo electroplax have been fused by a simple freeze-thaw procedure to form large liposomes. Giga-seal patch-recording techniques were used to form isolated patches of liposome-membrane and to measure single-channel properties of the reconstituted receptor-ion channel complex. The observed properties are quantitatively similar to those reported for vertebrate muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor species recorded in situ. The results demonstrate that the pentameric complex consisting of the q218ft subunits is fully functional. The methods used in these experiments should be useful in studying the effects of chemical alterations on the properties of acetylcholine receptor channels as well as other types of purified and reconstituted ion channels.The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo electroplax is a chemically gated ion channel consisting of a pentameric complex of the five subunits a2fy8S (for reviews, see refs. 1 and 2). It is reproducibly purified and, when reconstituted into small liposomes or planar lipid bilayers, it exhibits the basic agonistinduced cation transport properties anticipated from electrophysiological measurements in vivo (3-10). By applying recently developed methods (11, 12) for patch-recording from large liposomes containing reconstituted ion channels, we have now measured, with high resolution, single-channel properties of the purified and reconstituted Torpedo acetylcholine receptor. We report here that this pentameric complex showed an agonist-independent main conductance level, a subconductance state, saturation of the single-channel conductance at high Na+ concentration, slow inactivation and burst-kinetics at desensitizing concentrations of agonists, and open channel lifetime distributions that are not described by single exponentials. The similarity of these properties with those reported for other vertebrate acetylcholine receptor species recorded in situ provides further evidence that the purified receptor is fully functional and that the well-characterized biochemical properties associated with this isolated receptor complex may apply to a wide class of nicotinic receptor ion channels.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPreparation of Liposomes Containing Reconstituted Acetylcholine Receptor. Acetylcholine receptor was isolated, purified, and reconstituted as described (4). Briefly, postsynaptic membranes rich in acetylcholine receptor were prepared from freshly dissected electric organ of Torpedo Californica. The receptor was then purified from a Na cholate extract of the postsynaptic membranes by affinity chromatography on a choline carboxymethyl affinity gel as described by Huganir and Racker (4), except that the loaded column was washed with 20 column. vol of "wash buffer" before elution. The purified and solubilized receptor was incorporated into asolectin (Associated Concentrates, Woodside, NY) small unilamellar vesicles by the detergent dialysis technique. The ...