Oxygen reduction reaction ͑ORR͒ kinetics was investigated on dense La 0.8 Sr 0.2 MnO 3 microelectrodes as a function of temperature and microelectrode thickness using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The surface oxygen exchange and mixed bulk/threephase-boundary ͑TPB͒ charge transfer process were found to control ORR kinetics at high and low temperatures, respectively. The transition temperature from the mixed bulk/TPB charge transfer control to surface oxygen exchange was found to be highly dependent on the microelectrode thickness ͑ϳ600°C for 65 nm vs ϳ800°C for 705 nm͒. These findings can be used to guide the design of electrodes that can operate at intermediate temperatures. Solid oxide fuel cells ͑SOFCs͒ that utilize 8 mol % yttriastabilized zirconia ͑YSZ͒ electrolyte, La 1−x Sr x MnO 3 ͑LSM͒ cathode, and nickel-YSZ anode typically operate at temperatures above 800°C. To reduce SOFC cost and increase SOFC durability, intense research efforts have been focused on reducing operating temperatures to 700°C or lower without sacrificing SOFC efficiency. [1][2][3] However, the main barrier to achieve acceptable SOFC efficiency at intermediate temperatures is the voltage loss at the LSM cathode, where oxygen reduction reaction ͑ORR͒ occurs. 4 Because oxygen ion conduction is poor in LSM, [5][6][7] it is generally believed that the vicinity of three-phase boundaries ͑TPBs͒ of LSM cathode constitutes the active site for ORR. [8][9][10][11] Therefore, numerous studies have employed porous, high-surface-area electrodes with nanometer-scale LSM particle sizes [12][13][14] or composite LSM-YSZ 3,15,16 to enhance overall TPB length and thus lower ORR resistance and overpotential. However, it is not apparent how LSM particle sizes alter the rate-limiting reaction of ORR and the contributions of the TPB and bulk pathway 6,17,18 as a function of temperature, which limits the efficiency optimization of porous electrodes for intermediate temperature operation.Electrodes with well-defined geometries, such as dense coneshaped pellets, 19-21 thin films, 22-25 and patterned microelectrodes, [26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33] have been used to provide simple scaling relationships between ORR impedance and electrode dimensions, such as TPB length. Mizusaki et al. 6 first demonstrated that oxygen-ion diffusion can occur through dense, oxygen-over-stoichiometric LSM electrodes having thickness of 1-2 m at 700-900°C. Brichzin et al. 28,29 have subsequently utilized microelectrodes with a thickness of 100 nm to show that ORR occurs predominantly via the bulk pathway instead of the TPB pathway at 800°C. In addition, Koep et al. 30 have used dense, patterned LSM electrodes of different thickness to show a critical thickness of 360 nm at 700°C, where the bulk pathway dominates having surface reactions as rate limiting for ORR. More recently, la O' et al. 33 have employed microelectrodes to propose four distinct processes during ORR on LSM: ͑i͒ ion transport in 8YSZ, ͑ii͒ a surface diffusion process on LSM, ͑iii͒ at least one surface...