Resume. -La reorientation de la paire Gd-'+ substitutionnel-F-interstitiel dans CaF2 a ete etudiee a I'aide de mesures d'elargissement de duree de vie ERPE et des etudes de relaxation dielectrique et anklastique entre la temperature anibiante et I'azote liquide. La fraction molaire GdF3 varie de 0,01 a 0,3 "/,. Les cristaux ont ete recuits dans une atmosphere de He et H F entre 600 et 800 OC puis refroidis rapidement. Trois relaxations principales sont observees dans le spectre anelastique, les deux a basse temperature correspondant bien aux deux relaxations principales observees dans le spectre dielectrique.Abstract. -The reorientation of the point-defect pail-formed in CaFz crystals by substitutional Gd-lt and interstitial F ions has been studied using EPR lifetime broadening measurements and dielectric and anelastic relaxation studies at temperatures between liquid N2 and room. The GdF3 concentration ranged from 0.01 to 0.3 mole percent. The crystals were annealed in an atmosphere of He and H F at temperatures from 6000 to 800 "C and quickly cooled. Three major relaxations were observed in the anelastic spectrum, the two at lowest temperatures corresponding well to two major relaxations observed in the dielectric spectrum. The most important of these correlated both in relaxation parameters and intensity changes upon annealing and/or changing concentration of GdF3 with the lifetime broadening and intensity of the EPR spectrum from the nearestneighbor pair. The entire pattern has the proper symmetry for the pair with relaxation modes generated by excursions of the F-interstitial out to third-neighbor positions, assuming that the most stable positions are closest to the Gd-3 ions. However, this model is inconsistent with the relative intensities of the dielectric relaxations, and it is concluded that at least two distinct centers must be present.