The dissociation consta nts of the following substituted phenols in 50 wt percent methanol have been measured at 25°C: o-nitrophenol, p-nitrophenol, 4-methyl-2-nitrophenol, 2,6-di chlorophenol , pentachlorophenol. The respec tive values found, expressed as pK va lues, are 7.91" 7.692 , 8.28" 7.680, and 5.27.. The dissociati o n cons tants of 4-methyl-2-nitrophenol and pentac hlorop henol, again exp ressed as pK valu es, have been meas ured in water as so lve nt a t 25°C and found to be 7.59, and 4.820. respectively. Key Word s: Di ssociati on consta nt , methanol-water mixtures, so lvent effec ts, sub stituted phenols.