The kinetics of the cerium(1V) oxidation of p-nitro and p-methoxymandelic acids have been investigated in H2S04-MHS04 (M+ = Li+ , Na+, K+) and H2S04-MC104 (M+ = H+, Na+) mixtures a t a constant total electrolyte concentration of 2.00 mol/dm3. The oxidation of p-nitromandelic acid proceeds through two [H+]-independent paths, as was also observed for some substituted mandelic acids studied previously. The kinetic behavior of the pmethoxy derivative differs from that of the other mandelic acids in that (1) the oxidation occurs via two [ H+]-dependent paths, (2) the reaction rate is anomalously high, (3) the activation enthalpy and entropy of the overall process are markedly lower. It provides strong support to the suggestion that a different mechanism is operative. The substituent effects and the reaction mechanism are discussed.