S. N. BI-IAT, RAMA RAO, and K. RANCANAYAKULU. Can. J. Cheni. 56,2003Cheni. 56, (1978. The pK, values of protonated a,p-unsaturated acids, naniely tiglic, cyclopentene carboxylic, cyclohexene carboxylic, and cycloheptene carboxylic acids have been determined spectrophotonietrically and the values are -4.08, -4.05, -3.88, and -3.84, respectively. The conjugate acid of tiglic acid is a stronger acid than that of crotonic acid (pKa -3.94) and the diference i n acid strength is explained on the basis of steric inhibition of resonance by the a-methyl group. All the protonated cyclic acids are shown to be somewhat weaker than the corresponding acyclic ones. Several factors have been considered to explain the acid strength of these cyclic a,p-unsaturated acids. It has been shown that the ease of placing the double bond eso to the ring system is responsible for the changes in acidity of the above cyclic systems. S. N. BHAT, RAMA RAO et K. RANGANAYAKULU. Can. J. Cheni. 56.2003Cheni. 56. (1978 On a determine spectrophotonietriquen~ent les valeurs de pK, des acides a,p non saturis protones suivants: I'acide tiglique et les acides cyclopentene, cyclohexene et cycloheptenecarboxyliques; les valeurs des pK, sent respectivement de -4.08, -4.05, -3.88 et -3.84. L'acide conjugue de l'acide tiglique est un acide plus fort que I'acide crotonique (pK, -3.94) e t on expliclue la difference dans la force de I'acide en se basant sur une inhibition sterique a l a resonance provenant de la presence du groupe methyle a. On a niontreque tous les acides cycliques protones sont un peu plus faibles que les acides acycliques correspondants. On a considert plusieurs facteurs pour expliquer la force de I'acide de ces acides a,B non satures cycliques. On a montre que la facilite de placer la double liaison eso dans un systeme cyclique est responsable dcs changements d'acidite dans les systkmes cycliques nientionnts ci-dessus.[ T r a d~~i t par le journal] Introduction carboxvlic acids. We have studied the acid strength The study of the pK,, values of protonated carboxylic acids has attracted Inany workers lately. Electronic, steric and solvent effects were the most widely studied aspects (1-5). Sorensen (6) considered structure 1 for the protonated crotonic acid on the basis of the symn~etrical structure proposed by earlier workers (3, 7) for the protonated carboxyl group. The fact that alkyl substituents at the 3 position remarkably influence the acid strength supports the allylic cation structure 1. Since resonance