We conducted a survey of doctors working in the cardiac catheterisation laboratories in Africa on their knowledge, attitude and practice with respect to radiation protection. Of seventy-two respondents contacted, 61 (84.7%) completed the questionnaire. Twenty-eight, (45.9%) were younger than 45 years. Thirty-seven, (60.6%) had less than 10 years of experience in the laboratory. Only 28 (45.9%) had undertaken radiation protection training. Fifty-eight, (95.1%) consistently used lead aprons. Forty-seven, (77%) reported consistently using thyroid shields. Ten (16.4%) consistently used radiation protection eyeglasses, whilst 36 (59%) never used them. Thermoluminescent Dosimeter badges were consistently used in 23 (37.7%). Forty-two, (68.9%) reported having ceiling mounted lead/acrylic shields. Level of radiation exposure in the most recent one year was ≤2 mSv in 14, between 2 and 20 mSv in 8 and between 20 and 30 mSv in 2, whilst 33 did not know their dose readings. The use of basic radiation protection tools as well as the knowledge and measurement of radiation exposure among interventional cardiologists working in Africa is low. The unavailability of some of the protective tools and a knowledge gap in terms of radiation protection and monitoring of self-exposure were some of the reasons for suboptimal self-protection against ionising radiation among our respondents. We suggest that initiatives be taken by all stakeholders to train this group of medical professionals in basic radiation protection to avoid unnecessary exposure to themselves, co-workers and patients.