Introduction:Irradiation is an essential part of therapy for brain malignant tumors that can prolong life for terminally ill patients. However, it causes radiation-induced complications, divided into acute, early delayed and late complications, that all vary on the applied radiation dose. Aim: The aim of this research was to determine the type and frequence of radiation-induced brain changes after irradiation of endocranium, and to determine correlations between the type of the changes, the irradiation dose and the time passed. Material and methods: This retrospective study included 41 patients of both sexes. The study was performed in the Center for Imaging Diagnostics of Oncology Institute of Vojvodina, using the BIRPIS database. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans consisted of: T2 axial, FLAIR axial, T1 pre-contrast axial, SWI, and T1 axial 3D MP-RAGE post-contrast tomograms. Evaluated changes were: cavernoma, angioma, gliosis, aneurysm, hemorrhage, hydrocephalus and other. Methods of descriptive statistics were used for the analysis. Results: The most common change in this study was gliosis (92.68%), followed by cavernoma (53.65%), hydrocephalus (26.83%) and angioma (21.95%). Hemorrhage and aneurysm were not found. Dilated perivascular spaces were found in 80% of the patients; this finding has not yet been described in this group of patients. Conclusion: Dilated perivascular spaces represent frequent post-irradiation sequelae in the white matter of the brain in treated patients, just after gliotic changes, that are the most frequent complication. Further studies are needed to explain the pathophysiologic mechanism of these changes.Medicinski podmladak / Medical Youth Mudrić M. Chronic radiation-induced brain changes after irradiation of endocranium. MedPodml 2019, 70(3):39-44 40 Uvod: Iradijacija predstavlja sastavni deo terapije kod maligniteta mozga i u velikoj meri unapređuje i produžava život obolelih. Postiradijacione komplikacije su česte, podeljene na akutne, rane odložene i kasne, i u velikoj meri zavise od primenjene doze zračenja. Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje tipa i učestalosti postiradijacionih promena moždanog parenhima nakon iradijacije endokranijuma, kao i utvrđivanje korelacije tipa lezija sa dozom iradijacije i proteklim vremenom od završetka iste. Materijal i metode: Ovom retrospektivnom studijom je obuhvaćen 41 ispitanik oba pola. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u Centru za imidžing dijagnostiku Instituta za onkologiju Vojvodine, sa korišćenjem podataka iz baze podataka BIRPIS. Magnetnorezonantno snimanje glave se sastojalo iz sledećih sekvenci: T2 aksijalnih, FLAIR aksijalnih, T1 prekontrastnih aksijalnih, SWI tomograma i T1 aksijalnih 3D MP-RAGE postkontrastnih tomograma. Posmatrane promene su: kavernom, angiom, glioza, aneurizma, hemoragija, hidrocefalus i drugo. Za obradu podataka su korišćene metode deskriptivne statistike. Rezultati: Najzastupljenija promena u ovoj studiji je glioza (92,68%), zatim kavernom (53,65%), hidrocefalus (26,83%) i angiom (21,95%). Hemoragija i an...