The Radio Wave Phase Imager uses monitoring and recording concepts, such as Software Defined Radio (SDR), to image Earth’s atmosphere. The Long Wavelength Array (LWA), New Mexico Observatory is considered a high-resolution camera that obtains phase information about Earth and space disturbances; therefore, it was employed to capture radio signals reflected from Earth’s F ionization layer. Phase information reveals and measures the properties of waves that exist in the ionization layer. These waves represent terrestrial and solar Earth disturbances, such as power losses from power generating and distribution stations. Two LWA locations were used to capture the ionization layer waves, including University of New Mexico’s Long Wavelength Array’s LWA-1 and LWA-SV. Two locations of the measurements showed wavevector directions of disturbances, whereas the intersection of wavevectors determined the source of the disturbance. The research described here focused on measuring the ionization layer wave’s phase shifts, frequencies, and wavevectors. This novel approach is a significant contribution to determine the source of any disturbance.