It has been reported that new1y deve10ped noni onic contrast materia1 is 1ess effective in anticoagu1 ati on than lO ni c contrast media. Anticoagu1 ati on pro perties were studied with hig h osmo1ar ioni c contrast medium(di atrizoate) , 10w osmo1ar ioni c medium(ioxag1ate) and 10w 。 s m o 1 ar nonioni c contras t medium(iopromide) as well as with norm a1 saline for contro1Arteri a1 b100d was taken from 10 adults befo re angiograph y. T wo ml. of the arteri a1 b100d was introduced into the p1asti c syringes containing 2 cc. of each contras t medium and sa1ine. The syringes were ke pt undisturbed in room temp erature for 10 minutes, 30 miutes, 60 minutes 90 minutes and th e n the b1ood -contrast mixttire was po ured o n the fi1ter paper to de tect th e clots formed in the syringes. De1ay of the clotting time was a1so checked in the contras t media with various concentraions of 100 %, 30 %, 10 %, and 3 %. Chi-square test of the data shows very signifi cant diffe ren ce in antico-agu1 ati on effect betwee n the ioni c gro up(diatrizo ate , ioxag 1ate) and the nonionic one(iopromide). C10tting time in the noni onic medium(iopromide) was shorter in 30 % concentration than th at of the lO (l ic materi a1(diatrizoate, ioxag1 ate). N oni oni c contras t medium(iopromide) has anti coagu1 ation effect, bu t 1ess effective th an io ni c medi a(d iatrizoate, ioxag1ate)