Safety is the most important part of any kind of assiduity is safety. In extreme circumstances, safety-related negligence could result in the destruction of expensive clothing or the loss of human life. Every min-ing diligence adhere to a few basic preventative measures in order to avoid any generally unwelcome wonders. The most important component at this time is communication in order to continuously monitor various pa-rameters and take the appropriate actions as a result to avoid any risks linked with the product or the management of mortal funds. A stable and wide-range effective communication system between personnel in the mine and the control centre must be built in order to increase safety in un-derground mines. The cable communication network technology is inef-fective within underground mines. Here we can tackle the matter of acci-dents which end with death of several people per annum. It is discovered that the speed of fatality within the coal pit industry is almost six times the speed for all private industries. And most of those accidents are because of toxic gases, fires, and a lack of rescue systems. By implementing mine surveillance gadgets, which may be used within the mine and detect the number of various gases, fall, emergency detection and report to them. This article focuses on the design and analysis of the smart wearable gadget for miners in the mining industry using IoT.