This paper is to introduce a novel semi-supervised methodology, the enhanced incremental principal component analysis ("IPCA") based deep convolutional neural network autoencoder ("DCNN-AE) for Anomalous Sound Detection ("ASD") with high accuracy and computing efficiency. This hybrid methodology is to adopt Enhanced IPCA to reduce the dimensionality and then to use DCNN-AE to extract the features of the sample sound and detect the anomality. In this project, 228 sets of normal sounds and 100 sets of anomaly sounds of same machine are used for the experiments. And the sound files of machines (stepper motors) for the experiments are collected from a plant site. 50 random test cases are executed to evaluate the performance of the algorithm with AUC, PAUC, F measure and Accuracy Score. IPCA Based DCNN-AE shows high accuracy with the average AUC of 0.815793282, comparing with that of Kmeans++ of 0.499545351, of Incremental PCA based DBSCAN clustering of 0.636348073, of Incremental based PCA based One-class SVM of 0.506749433 and of DCGAN of 0.716528104. From the perspective of computing efficiency, because of the dimensions-reduction by the IPCA layer, the average execution time of the new methodology is 15 minutes in the CPU computing module of 2.3 GHz quad-core processors, comparing with that of DCGAN with 90 minutes in GPU computing module of 4 to 8 kernels.