In the world of alternative medicine (cupping) the anatomy of the human body is an object that is used in performing treatment. In the cupping technique there are several points of the body that can be used for treatment centers. The goal is to make it easier to understand the symptoms and abnormalities that occur in a person. The problem that has occurred so far in doing cupping treatment is that the therapist has problems remembering the combination of cupping points which consists of 135 cupping points. To overcome these problems, in this study an Android-based application will be developed by utilizing Augmented Reality technology. By utilizing Augmented Reality technology, the anatomical shape of the human body can be visualized through three-dimensional virtual modeling using a smartphone. Based on the discussion and research results, from the results of research on the Application of Augmented Reality to the Anatomy of the Human Body to Support the Learning of Alternative Medicine Cupping Points, it is concluded that an Augmented Reality application for cupping points in the anatomy of the human body can be operated on an Android smartphone. Testing the quality of the functional suitability aspect of humans can perform 100% of their functions correctly. The usability aspect quality test that was carried out obtained an overall value of 93.23%. testing the quality of the portability aspect on several devices with the operating system version android 10, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Oreo so the portability aspect value reaches 100%.