Background Controversial coal power plant restart and non-nuke policy were rejected by referendum in Taiwan on 24 Nov 2018. Outcomes affecting energy replenishment and undermining economic stability are criticized politicization because coal energy is detrimental but no nuke beneficial for the environment. These policies could be contradictory. Problem No autonomous energy puts the country into extreme risk and is controlled by foreigners. Developing energy faces a traditional tradeoff between economic development and environmental protection. Purpose The assumption an innovative energy diversification linking Big Data, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) is encouraged. The paper investigates upgrading liquified petroleum gas (LPG) to liquified natural gas (LNG) under marine spatial planning (MSP) for energy replenishment and creating an energy diversification framework through integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) linking Big Data, IoT, AI whether are supported. Results Online sampling investigation results, enhancing LPG to LNG at the ecologically biologically significant area (EBSA) under MSP was less encouraged but linking Big Data, IoT, AI innovation through ICZM was overwhelmingly supported and consistent with goalkeepers interview. Research finding gender, the environment, age revealed no significant difference from LNG through MSP and AI under ICZM. Males more support LNG energy replenishment and energy diversification. Energy deficiency, environmental protection, and economic development were interrelated. Conclusion The results LPG to LNG revealed less encouraging and implicates many coastal communities in favor of tangible stable electricity without blackout is important than the intangible slogan EBSA protection, or perhaps renewable energy is an alternative approach. An autonomous energy diversification framework through ICZM links Big Data, IoT, AI for sustainable coastal community development (SCCD) indicating no significant difference from gender, environment, age, and is consistent with the goalkeepers' interview results supporting energy diversification. The finding males more support LNG and energy diversification. Finally, the study suggests that legislative enforcement establishment designate expertise teamwork to coordinate administration, integrate programs of energy replenishment, creating an autonomous energy diversification framework for monitoring energy demand, supplies, replenishment, and connect Big Data, IoT, AI innovation for SCCD.