Committee Chairman: Garth L. Wilkes
Chemical Engineering (ABSTRACT)A series of four water-blown flexible polyurethane foams was produced in which the water content was varied from 2 to 5 pph at a constant isocyanate index of 110.A portion of each foam was thermally compression molded into a plaque. The morphology of the foams and plaques was investigated using OMS, DSC, FTI R, TEM, SEM, swelling, WAXS, and SAXS. A high degree of phase separation occurs in these foams and the degree of phase separation is independent of water (ha rd segment) content. In the foam with the lowest water content the morphology is similar to that of typical segmented urethane elastomers. Small hard segment domains are present with a correlation distance of roughly 7. 0 nanometers. When the water content is increased a binodal distribution of hard segments appears.There are the smal I ha rd segment domains typical of segmented urethane elastomers as well as large hard segment aggregates greater than 100 nanometers 1n diameter. The large domains are thought to be aggregates of polyurea that precipitated during the manufacture of the foam. The foam making process successfully incorporated the trifunctional polyols into a network indicating a high degree of polymerization for the hydroxyl-isocyanate reaction. Unreacted isocyanate is present in the foams a month after curing. It is believed to be trapped in the large urea aggregates.WAXS patterns of the foams suggest hard segment ordering that may be of a paracrystalline nature but certainly lacking in true crystallinity.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to thank my major professor Dr. Wilkes for his patience, concern, and support, without which I probably would not have remained in Blacksburg to complete this work.I wou Id also Ii ke to thank Dr. Glasser and Dr. Sebba for the interest they showed in my work and the time and effort they spent reviewing my thesis.I would like to thank Rick Allen and Dr. Lin for their assistance in using the ORNL facilities and Dinesh Tyagi and Brandt Carter for many helpful discussions.Finally, I would like to thank all of the group members for their everyday greetings, smiles, and conversion. In particular I would like to thank Dinesh and Ruby, Brandt, Marty and Martha, andBruce.iv One reason for this is that in the production of polyurethane foams, the blowing and gelling reactions occur simultaneously. Any change in chemistry or processing conditions alters both the cell structure and the morphology of the material comprising the cell structure. As a result, there is no way to evaluate the material independent of cell structure or cell structure independent of material. Changes in chemical and processing variables have been extensively studied as to their influence on bulk properties of the foam and polyurethane foams with a wide range of physical properties can be produced ( 1-5).This 'technological' approach to the development of polyurethane foams has been very successful and presently, the yearly production of polyurethane foams far outweighs other types...