Appropriate modeling methods and feature selection algorithms must be selected to improve the accuracy of early and mid-term remote sensing detection of wheat stripe rust. In the current study, we explored the effectiveness of the random forest (RF) algorithm combined with the extreme gradient boosting (XGboost) method for early and mid-term wheat stripe rust detection based on the vegetation indices extracted from canopy level hyperspectral measurements. Initially, 21 vegetation indices that were related to the early and mid-term winter wheat stripe rust were calculated on the basis of canopy level hyperspectral reflectance. Subsequently, the optimal vegetation index combination for disease detection was determined using correlation analysis (CA) combined with RF algorithms. Then, the disease severity detection model of early and mid-term winter wheat stripe rust was constructed using XGBoost method based on the optimal vegetation index combination. For the evaluation and comparison of the initial results, three commonly used classification methods, namely, RF, backpropagation neural network (BPNN), and support vector machine (SVM), were utilized. The vegetation index combinations determined by the single CA algorithm were also used to construct detection models. Compared with the detection models based on the vegetation index combination obtained using the single CA algorithm, the overall accuracy of the four detection models based on the optimal vegetation index combination based on CA combined with RF algorithms increased by 16.1% (XGBoost), 9.7% (RF), 8.1% (SVM), and 8.1% (BPNN). Among the eight models, the XGBoost detection model based on the optimal vegetation index combination using CA combined with RF algorithms, CA-RF-XGBoost, achieved the highest overall accuracy of 87.1% and the highest kappa coefficient of 0.798. Our results indicate that the RF combined with XGBoost can improve the detection accuracy of early and mid-term winter wheat stripe rust effectively at canopy scale.