Maternal anemia is a major global public health problem, and although widely discussed, there are few studies investigating the condition in pregnant women. In this article, issues related to the diagnosis, biological mechanism and prevalence of maternal anemia. In addition, iron deficiency anemia will be considered a proxy for maternal anemia. In previous studies, the concepts of maternal anemia have been controversial. It is also noted that isolated actions are not sufficient to combat this disease, and policies to address the primary causes of the associated nutritional deficiencies are necessary.
Search strategiesMesh and similar terms were combined using Boolean operators (AND, OR), and the search strategy below was primarily used for
Studies selectionAfter duplicate removal, titles and abstracts were screened for eligible articles independently by two reviewers (ACMGF and SSC). Two reviewers selected articles by reading titles and abstracts. During the process of selecting the articles the researchers were not aware of the decisions made by their colleague. After that, full text articles were assessed for eligibility. Discordant events were resolved by consensus.
Data extractionData extraction was performed independently by two researchars (ACMGF and RBS) and discordant events resolved by consensus. We used a standardized electronic spreadsheet to extract the following information: author's name, year of publication, year of data collection and geographic region, study design, sample size, anemia diagnosis criteria, frequency of maternal anemia and iron deficiency anemia. Authors were contacted for additional information considered important for this review.