Edited by Ruma Banerjee Trypanosomes are flagellated protozoan parasites (kinetoplastids) that have a unique redox metabolism based on the small dithiol trypanothione (T(SH) 2). Although GSH may still play a biological role in trypanosomatid parasites beyond being a building block of T(SH) 2 , most of its functions are replaced by T(SH) 2 in these organisms. Consequently, trypanosomes have several enzymes adapted to using T(SH) 2 instead of GSH, including the glutaredoxins (Grxs). However, the mechanistic basis of Grx specificity for T(SH) 2 is unknown. Here, we combined fast-kinetic and biophysical approaches, including NMR, MS, and fluorescent tagging, to study the redox function of Grx1, the only cytosolic redox-active Grx in trypanosomes. We observed that Grx1 reduces GSH-containing disulfides (including oxidized trypanothione) in very fast reactions (k > 5 ؋ 10 5 M ؊1 s ؊1). We also noted that disulfides without a GSH are much This work was supported by Grant C601-348 from Comisió n Sectorial de Investigació n Científica Universidad de la Repú blica (to B. M. and G. F. S.), CRP/URU14-01 International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and Fondo para la Convergencia Estructural del Mercosur, COF 03/11 (to M. A. C.), and CPDA137397/13 from PRAT Università degli Studi di Padova, and European Comission Project number 261863 Bio-NMR (to M. Bellanda). The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this article. This article contains Figs. S1-S7.