Iron-sulfur flavoproteins (ISF) constitute a widespread family of redox-active proteins in anaerobic prokaryotes. Based on sequence homologies, their overall structure is expected to be similar to that of flavodoxins, but in addition to a flavin mononucleotide cofactor they also contain a cubane-type [4Fe:4S] cluster. In order to gain further insight into the function and properties of ISF, the three-dimensional structures of two ISF homologs, one from the thermophilic methanogen Methanosarcina thermophila and one from the hyperthermophilic sulfate-reducing archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus, were determined. The structures indicate that ISF assembles to form a tetramer and that electron transfer between the two types of redox cofactors requires oligomerization to juxtapose the flavin mononucleotide and [4Fe:4S] cluster bound to different subunits. This is only possible between different monomers upon oligomerization. Fundamental differences in the surface properties of the two ISF homologs underscore the diversity encountered within this protein family.The ISF (iron-sulfur flavoprotein) family is distinct from other flavin mononucleotide (FMN)-containing flavoproteins based on overall sequence identity and an unusually compact cysteine motif (24). The prototype of ISF was characterized from Methanosarcina thermophila (ISF-Mt), a strictly anaerobic methane-producing thermophile belonging to the domain Archaea (16). Since then, homologs of ISF have been identified in the genomes of numerous anaerobic prokaryotes belonging to the domains Bacteria and Archaea (24). Remarkably, many species contain multiple ISF homologs; indeed, the Methanosarcina acetivorans genome is annotated with 19 homologs (12). The only ISF homolog identified from a member of the domain Eukarya is that from the intestinal anaerobic pathogen Entamoeba histolytica (24). Thus, it appears that the ISF family occurs predominantly in anaerobic prokaryotes.ISF from M. thermophila has been reported to be a functional homodimer, with each monomer containing one FMN and one [4Fe:4S] cluster (1, 16). Ferredoxin can act as an electron donor, and redox potential measurements support the hypothesis that electron flow proceeds from ferredoxin to the low-potential (Ϫ394 mV) [4Fe:4S] cluster and then to the flavin (1). Although a downstream electron acceptor is unknown, the inability to detect flavin semiquinone during redox titrations suggests that the protein environment of ISF-Mt stabilizes the hydroquinone form and that ISF-Mt functions as a one-electron/two-electron switch. A role for ISF in electron transport coupled to methane formation has been postulated (16); however, the presence of multiple ISF homologs in metabolically diverse anaerobic prokaryotes (24) suggests broader physiological functions.The cysteine motif (Cys47, Cys50, Cys53, and Cys59) in ISF-Mt is highly conserved among the deduced sequences of all ISF homologs, consistent with a role in ligation of the [4Fe:4S] cluster. The compact nature of the motif is unusual compared to motifs known t...