BRENNER tumor of the ovary was first described by F. BRENNER in 1907 under the term " Oophoroma folliculare ".However, this tumor has been often confused with folliculoma which was described by GOTTSCHALK in 1899, and no differential diagnosis with granulosa cell tumor or theca cell tumor had becn made at that period. It was in 1932 that Robert MEYER first used the term "Blastoma vom BRENNER," and he differentiated this tumor from granulosa cell tumor.This tumor is stated to be a rare tumor, and in Japan there have been only 25 cases hitherto reported since the first description made by HIGUCHIand UENO in 1932. The present authors were fortunate in obtaining three cases of BRENNER tumor of the ovary during the past three years, and an outline of their clinical and histopathological features together with some histochemical observations will be reported here.
Clinical and Gross FindingsCase 7 : 52 yr. old female with a previous history of hypertension. She was found dead in bed one morning and at autopsy revealed (1) marked coronary sclerosis, (2) myocardial infarction of the left ventricle, (3) marked sclerosis of the aorta, with ulceration and calcification, (4) small softening of the pons, (5) hen-egg sized dermoid cyst of the retroperitoneum, and (6) 2 x 0.5 x l c m sized, well demarcated, firm and greyish-white tumor of the left ovary.69 yr. old female who had been complaining of fullness of the lower abdomen for the past 4 months. There were no subjective symptoms.A large tumor reaching the height of the umbilicus was palpated, and she was Case 2 :