The involution fixity ifix(G) of a permutation group G of degree n is the maximum number of fixed points of an involution. In this paper we study the involution fixity of primitive almost simple exceptional groups of Lie type. We show that if T is the socle of such a group, then either ifix(T ) > n 1/3 , or ifix(T ) = 1 and T = 2 B2(q) is a Suzuki group in its natural 2-transitive action of degree n = q 2 + 1. This bound is best possible and we present more detailed results for each family of exceptional groups, which allows us to determine the groups with ifix(T ) n 4/9 . This extends recent work of Liebeck and Shalev, who established the bound ifix(T ) > n 1/6 for every almost simple primitive group of degree n with socle T (with a prescribed list of exceptions). Finally, by combining our results with the Lang-Weil estimates from algebraic geometry, we determine bounds on a natural analogue of involution fixity for primitive actions of exceptional algebraic groups over algebraically closed fields.