The nonequilibrium thermodynamics feature of a Brownian motor is investigated by obtaining exact time-dependent solutions. This in turn enables us to investigate not only the long time property (steady-state) but also the short time the behavior of the system. The general expressions for the free energy, entropy production ėp(t) as well as entropy extraction ḣd (t) rates are derived for a system that is genuinely driven out of equilibrium by time-independent force as well as by spatially varying thermal background. We show that for a system that operates between hot and cold reservoirs, most of the thermodynamics quantities approach a non-equilibrium steady state in the long time limit. The change in free energy becomes minimal at a steady state. However for a system that operates in a heat bath where its temperature varies linearly in space, the entropy production and extraction rates approach a non-equilibrium steady state while the change in free energy varies linearly in space. This reveals that unlike systems at equilibrium, when systems are driven out of equilibrium, their free energy may not be minimized. The thermodynamic properties of a system that operates between the hot and cold baths are further compared and contrasted with a system that operates in a heat bath where its temperature varies linearly in space along with the reaction coordinate. We show that the entropy, entropy production, and extraction rates are considerably larger for linearly varying temperature case than a system that operates between the hot and cold baths revealing such systems are inherently irreversible. For both cases, in the presence of load or when a distinct temperature difference is retained, the entropy S(t) monotonously increases with time and saturates to a constant value as t further steps up. The entropy production rate ėp decreases in time and at steady state, ėp = ḣd > 0 which agrees with the results shown in the works [18,19]. Moreover, the velocity, as well as the efficiency of the system that operates between the hot and cold baths, are also collated and contrasted with a system that operates in a heat bath where its temperature varies linearly in space along with the reaction coordinate. A system that operates between the hot and cold baths has significantly lower velocity but a higher efficiency in comparison with a linearly varying temperature case.