By micromagnetic simulations, we study the current-driven 360° domain wall (360DW) motion in ferromagnetic nanostripe with an in-plane biaxial anisotropy. We observe the critical annihilation current of 360° domain wall can be enhanced through such a type of anisotropy, the reason of which is the suppression of out-of-plane magnetic moments generated simultaneously with domain-wall motion. In details, We have found that the domain-wall width is only related to K
y − K
x, with K
x(y) the anisotropy constant in x(y) direction. Taking domain-wall width into consideration, a prior choice is to keep K
y ≈ K
x with large enough K. The mode of domain-wall motion has been investigated as well. The traveling-wave-motion region increases with K, while the average DW velocity is almost unchanged. Another noteworthy feature is that a Walker-breakdown-like motion exists before annihilation. In this region, though domain wall moves with an oscillating behavior, the average velocity does not reduce dramatically, but even rise again for a large K.