A New Zealand-wide postal survey of farmers was undertaken in the winter months of 1985 seekinginformation on farmerknowledge and use of pasture cultivars commercially availablein New Zealand, their sources and adequacy of information on these cultivars, pasture problems, and amount of pasturerenewal carried out. Of the 1700 questionnaires sent out, 943 (55.5%) valid returnswerereceived. Perennial ryegrassand white clovercultivarshad the highestlevelof knowledge and use. Farmerstended to have better knowledge and higheruse of oldercultivars, withonly thenew perennial ryegrass cultivars 'Grasslands Nui' and Ellett among all farmers and 'Grasslands Pitau' among dairy farmers being higher than older cultivars. New cultivarsof other grass and legume species werelessusedthanoldercultivars.lnregions wheremajorresearchwas carriedout on a specific cultivar, its level of use by farmers in the region appearsto have been influenced Farmersrevealed stronguseofagriculturaljournals (e.g.,Proceedings A89043 of the New Zealand Grassland Association), their district farming paper, and the daily newspaper's farming page for seeking information on new cultivars,andgrainandseedmerchantrepresentatives werethe mostpopularpersonalsourcesof information.Though60%of the farmers indicatedsatisfaction with information received on seed mixtures, 76%consideredthatdistrictpaddock-sizedemonstrationareasofnewcultivarswouldbethemostappropriatewayofpromoting thenewcultivars. 62%of the samplelisted pasture problems they wished to see researched for theirdistrict.