The aim of this field experiment was to evaluate surge, cutback and conventional flow furrow irrigation systems in terms of hydraulic, technical and agronomic performance measures for pepper production in Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia. The treatments consisted of two surges (SR1 = 1/3 cycle ratio and SR2 = 1/2 cycle ratio), one cutback (CB) and one conventional (C) flow furrow irrigation systems. The advance time ratios (ATR) recorded under the two surge treatments ranged from 0.57 to 0.70. Maximum application efficiency of 61.8%, storage efficiency of 95.1% and uniformity coefficient of 77.3% were recorded under SR1, whereas the lowest corresponding values of 52.8, 81.2 and 56.1% were recorded under C. Maximum deep percolation (23.6%) and tailwater (27.7%) losses were recorded from CB and C treatments, respectively, whereas SR1 and SR2, respectively, gave minimum deep percolation (14.3%) and tailwater (20.5%) losses. In terms of all agronomic performance measures, it was found that SR2 performed well, followed by SR1. However, the C treatment gave minimum yield (6450 kg ha À1 ), crop water productivity (17.5 kg ha À1 mm
À1) and irrigation water productivity (11.3 kg ha À1 mm
À1). From the findings of this study, it was concluded that surge and cutback flow furrow irrigation systems are promising technologies for pepper production in areas with minimal water use. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ). On peut conclure que l'utilisation de systèmes d'irrigation à la raie avec des écoulements à impulsions ou à deux débits peuvent être une technologie prometteuse pour la production économe en eau du poivre. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.