“…In contrast to the above studies, other studies suggest VD as the preferred method of delivery, as they observe no benefit from CS in terms of neonatal outcome. These studies examined parameters such as perinatal mortality and serious neonatal morbidity at >32 weeks [22], morbidity and mortality at >30 weeks [39], neonatal complications including death at >34 weeks [50], neonatal composite morbidity or mortality for the second twin at >35 weeks [44], 1-min and 5-min Apgar scores and arterial cord pH for both twins [18], and perinatal mortality in monochorionic twins without twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome at >32 weeks of gestation [21], However, some of the above studies concerned active management of the delivery with maneuvers that are not considered safe by others, such as internal rotation and total breech extraction of unengaged second twins [12]. Studies concerning outcome in cases of breech first twins also report that there are no differences in neonatal mortality or morbidity between VD and CS [7,46].…”