Pre-cancerous lesions are cell changes that start on the surface of the cervix near the squamocolumnar junction (SCJ). Cervical cancer can be prevented through early identification and treatment. These pre-cancerous lesions can be identified through methods such as pap smears, visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), and human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA tests. This study aims to determine the characteristics of cervical pre-cancerous lesions at Sanjiwani General Hospital. This is a descriptive observational study design with a cross-sectional approach at Sanjiwani General Hospital from January to December 2022. The inclusion criteria were patients who had pap smear screening and were recorded entirely in the examination data archive at the Anatomical Pathology Laboratory of Sanjiwani General Hospital in 2022. The exclusion criteria were Pap smear results with inadequate pap smears to be evaluated. The result was obtained from secondary data from patient medical records, determined by the total sampling technique, and will be processed using the IBM SPSS Statistics Version 26 application. In total, 35 samples met the research criteria. All samples (100%) showed positive findings on the VIA test. The most found on the pap smear screening was 15 samples (42.9%) with NILM and followed in succession by eight samples (22.9%) with ASC-US, seven samples (20%) with ASC-H, three samples (8.5%) LSIL, and two samples (5.7%) with findings of HSIL. Most patients with Pap smears at Sanjiwani General Hospital in 2022 will be in the age group of 41-50. Based on obstetric and gynecological history, most respondents had parity ≥ 3, age at sexual intercourse ≥20 years, number of sexual partners was only one, and had not experienced menopause. Most patients use hormonal contraception, have no family history of cervical cancer, and have never been vaccinated or screened for HPV. Most of the pap smear findings were NILM, with the most abnormalities found being ASCUS.