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JEL-Classification: F 31 (foreign exchange), E 58 (central banks and their policies), O 23(monetary policy in development) Keywords:foreign exchange, central bank intervention, emerging markets, transmission channelsFor helpful comments and research assistance I would like to thank Fabian Baetje, Oliver Gloede, Marie Holzhausen, two anonymous referees and the associate editor, Zhihong Yu.Leibniz Universität Hannover, Department of Economics, Königsworther Platz 1, D-30167 Hannover, Germany; 2
Foreign Exchange Intervention in Emerging Markets:A Survey of Empirical Studies
IntroductionThere is a broad literature on various aspects of foreign exchange interventions which is still focused on advanced economies, in particular regarding empirical intervention studies.By contrast, the world economy is changing towards a continuously increasing importance of emerging market economies. This move is particularly pronounced in foreign exchange as advanced economy countries are not the main owners of currency reserves anymore. Change is even more dramatic regarding foreign exchange interventions as the major central banksdomiciled in the advanced economies -have almost stopped intervening during the last decade or so. This leads to the unpleasant situation that most of our empirical research and literature refers to institutional circumstances that do no longer fit the typical case in the present world: foreign exchange intervention is nowadays mainly an issue in emerging markets. This study discusses available knowledge and open questions with a focus on empirical research.The existing discrepancy between intervention reality and empirical inte...