preceding paper (Donnelly & Gilligan, 2020), we refer to this phenomenon as insect superabundance to signify high incidence at both the individual plant scale as well as the landscape scale (note that some authors prefer to refer to this phenomenon using the terminology of 'insect outbreak', or, simply 'high insect abundance').Superabundance may simply reflect high environmental suitability for the vector (henceforth we call this scenario environmentmediated insect superabundance, EMiS). An alternative cause of superabundance is the invasion of a novel insect vector strain capable of reaching higher abundance than the previously dominant strain (henceforth we call this scenario invasive vector insect superabundance, INViS). An additional cause of superabundance, however, that is independent of environmental suitability and insect invasion, is PMiS (denoting pathogen-mediated insect superabundance), in which pathogen infection improves the resource quality of