Placement stability is a major priority in the foster care system. However, the measurement of placement stability and the
reasons children move are complex issues that warrant considerable attention. In this study, we used a two-year Texas foster care
entry cohort to examine the extent to which children experience “progress moves”, such as moving to a sibling
placement or to live with a relative, versus non-progress moves, such as moving due to risk of abuse. Our sample consisted of
23,760 children and 66,585 placements statewide. Using two methods of classifying moves as either progress or non-progress, we
found, of placements that ended with a move to a new placement, 29-43% ended with progress moves, and 57-71% ended with
non-progress moves. Classification of move types was consistent across methods overall, but far less when the pre-move placement
was in a shelter or restrictive setting. Additional analyses showed that the prevalence and risk factors for adverse moves varied
across placement setting. Implications for the measurement and improvement of placement stability are discussed.