In 1948, Reiman used the term "Periodic Disease". In 1951, Catton and Mamoru first discovered FMF was familial and highlighted its genetic transition with amyloidosis in 1956. The definition of FMF was used in 1958 by Heller and Sohar as Mediterranean origin. In 1997, International FMF Consortium and French FMF Consortium identified the MEFV gene responsible for the disease (Figure 3).In Turkey, Abravaya Marmaralı identified FMF in an adult as "Strange Abdominal Pain Syndrome" in 1946. The benefits of Colchicine in FMF treatment were first demonstrated by Emir Özkan and Goldfinger in 1972.In the study by Sökmen C between 1958-1968, the rate of FMF was 0.3% [9]. In the study by Özen S et al., in 1998, the rate of FMF patients was 2.3/10,000, and that of potential FMF patients was 9.3/10,000 [10].